Saturday, March 12, 2016

This is Columbus Wisconsin

This is Columbus Wisconsin

This is Columbus Wisconsin
This is Columbus Wisconsin

City of Columbus Wisconsin
Candidate for Alder District 3
Issues for the Future of Columbus Wisconsin Hwy 16 (James Street ) Road Construction disruptions Assist in getting the word out, make sure disruption is lessened. Listen to the citizens. Continue 5 year street plan ordinance Continue to support Community structures, Resthaven, Fireman's Park, Aquatic Center, Police & Fire Dept., Kiwanis, Meister, Davies, and Washington Parks. Advocate that young adults and schools participate in community! Listen to citizens first!
DOB: 04/10/1962

JD for Columbus Wisconsin

JD for Columbus Wisconsin
JD for Columbus Wisconsin
JD for Columbus Wisconsin
JD for Columbus Wisconsin
JD for Columbus Wisconsin
JD for Columbus Wisconsin
[[File:Columbus Wisconsin Yard sign.jpg|thumb|JD Milburn contributes his time, talent and treasurers to Columbus Wisconsin. He cares deeply about the community and likes to see it thrive.]]

City of Columbus Wisconsin
Candidate for Alder District 3
Issues for the Future of Columbus Wisconsin Hwy 16 (James Street ) Road Construction disruptions Assist in getting the word out, make sure disruption is lessened. Listen to the citizens. Continue 5 year street plan ordinance Continue to support Community structures, Resthaven, Fireman's Park, Aquatic Center, Police & Fire Dept., Kiwanis, Meister, Davies, and Washington Parks. Advocate that young adults and schools participate in community! Listen to citizens first!
DOB: 04/10/1962

JD for Columbus Wisconsin

JD Milburn contributes his time, talent and treasurers to Columbus Wisconsin.  He cares deeply about the community and likes to see it thrive.

JD for Columbus Wisconsin
JD for Columbus Wisconsin

City of Columbus Wisconsin
Candidate for Alder District 3
Issues for the Future of Columbus Wisconsin Hwy 16 (James Street ) Road Construction disruptions Assist in getting the word out, make sure disruption is lessened. Listen to the citizens. Continue 5 year street plan ordinance Continue to support Community structures, Resthaven, Fireman's Park, Aquatic Center, Police & Fire Dept., Kiwanis, Meister, Davies, and Washington Parks. Advocate that young adults and schools participate in community! Listen to citizens first!
DOB: 04/10/1962

You can lease or buy Commercial Real Estate in Columbus Wisconsin

You can lease or buy Commercial Real Estate in Columbus Wisconsin

Columbus Wisconsin Commercial Real Estate
Columbus Wisconsin Commercial Real Estate

City of Columbus Wisconsin
Candidate for Alder District 3
Issues for the Future of Columbus Wisconsin Hwy 16 (James Street ) Road Construction disruptions Assist in getting the word out, make sure disruption is lessened. Listen to the citizens. Continue 5 year street plan ordinance Continue to support Community structures, Resthaven, Fireman's Park, Aquatic Center, Police & Fire Dept., Kiwanis, Meister, Davies, and Washington Parks. Advocate that young adults and schools participate in community! Listen to citizens first!
DOB: 04/10/1962

Friday, March 11, 2016

I believe and will always that Economic Development is the creation of local wealth and upward mobility of the area, along with Quality of life.

I believe and will always that Economic Development is the creation of local wealth and upward mobility of the area, along with Quality of life. 

That is central and when it happens the economy improves. Don’t forget economic development is to create and improve the economic environment, through connections both internal and external. Incentives and other things are just a part of the equation. More ED happens from connections than handing out $. And lastly economy is in the heading so measuring it and enhancing it is key or its all just hot air and expended $! Edward November 11, 2014 JD – Xavier University has done some seminal work in quantifying the American Dream. They have identified 35 unique dimensions. These dimensions include economic progress, social mobility and other aspects that most people would label as “quality of life”. Measuring performance based on better enabling residents to achieve their American Dream holds the profession accountable for delivering what you define as the objective of economic development. You can find a summary of their findings here –

City of Columbus Wisconsin
Candidate for Alder District 3
Issues for the Future of Columbus Wisconsin Hwy 16 (James Street ) Road Construction disruptions Assist in getting the word out, make sure disruption is lessened. Listen to the citizens. Continue 5 year street plan ordinance Continue to support Community structures, Resthaven, Fireman's Park, Aquatic Center, Police & Fire Dept., Kiwanis, Meister, Davies, and Washington Parks. Advocate that young adults and schools participate in community! Listen to citizens first!
DOB: 04/10/1962